Sunday 2 June 2024

[Post 390] $13 For Restaurant-Style Fine Dining In An Yishun Hawker Center? I Am A Hawker | On The Red Dot


33-year-old Asyraffie Bin Mohamed Shukor is an accidental chef who fell in love with the art of fine-dining cooking while working in the modern European restaurant Iggy’s. When his dream to start his own restaurant fell through, Asyraffie, decided to continue his fine-dining journey in a hawker centre, blending haute cuisine techniques with the vibrant flavours of local street food.

From serving six customers a night in a private fine dining restaurant to serving 200 plates in four hours in a hawker centre,  Asyraffie has not compromised in his cooking techniques that brought him fame and acclaim. He serves a dish called Nasi Kerabu, which is unfamiliar to most Singaporeans. Yet it has attracted customers from across the island. So, why are people willing to pay more than $10 a dish and queue for up to 45 minutes for an unknown dish in a hawker stall? 

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