The three young patients need to adapt as the disease continues to shift their realities.
Eugene Lim, initially responding well to ADC (Antibody-drug conjugates that uses an antibody to deliver a potent drug directly to cancer cells), is eager to regain his life before the diagnosis. He starts training for his first marathon since the diagnosis, hopeful that he’s on the road to recovery. But just when he thinks things are stabilising, his doctor discovers that his cancer has adapted—the treatment is no longer effective, forcing him to confront an uncertain future.
Joseph Nair, having endured the loneliness of chemotherapy, finds comfort in his father’s care. Now in remission, he should feel relief, yet his cancer is incurable—it could return at any time. With no way of knowing when or how it will strike again, fear of recurrence and financial insecurity leave him unable to plan ahead, trapped in uncertainty.
After four years of chemotherapy, Lee Hwee Ling continues to fight with her family’s unwavering support. But during a routine stoma bag change, she and her husband discover a new nodule. What will the scans reveal? She prepares for yet another battle, knowing the disease remains unpredictable.
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