Tuesday, 18 February 2025

[Post 594] [ENG SUB] Million-dollar HDB flats are not an easy sell


Resale HDB flats that have been transacted for more than one million dollars continue to emerge, and recently there have been advertisements for three-room HDB flats worth one million dollars. Are HDB flats really worth that, or are they asking for prices that are too high?

A housing agent interviewed said that only HDB flats with "X elements" are likely to unlock a million-dollar treasure chest, allowing homeowners to cash in huge profits.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

[Post 593] [ENG SUB] Why Younger Singaporeans are Choosing to be Nurses


Why Younger Singaporeans are Choosing to be Nurses

[Post 592] [ENG SUB] Why your kopi is getting expensive


The price of traditional coffee in Singapore is rising due to increased costs for coffee beans, wages, and rent. Vendors are struggling to maintain affordable prices, but some are finding ways to absorb the costs, while others are forced to raise prices. The video explores the challenges faced by coffee vendors and the potential impact on the future of traditional coffee.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

[Post 591] [ENG SUB] Is it still going strong? | Behind Singapore’s CPF (5/5)


Singapore’s CPF system has been in place for nearly 70 years. Even though it’s been widely recognised as Asia’s top pension system,  it has also faced a fair share of scepticism from time to time. Is CPF still going strong? Watch the video to find out more!

[Post 590] [ENG SUB] Are we stretching it too thin? | Behind Singapore’s CPF (4/5)


Some of our major milestones in life like buying a home and having children can be financed with CPF savings. While CPF was originally established in the 1950s with the primary goal of providing retirement safety, its uses have gradually expanded to homeownership and healthcare expenses. With so many uses, are we spreading our CPF too thin? Watch the video to find out more!

Friday, 14 February 2025

[Post 589] [ENG SUB] How to grow your CPF monies | Behind Singapore’s CPF (3/5)


34-year-old Jocelyn Tay has been working for 10 years and already has $110,000 in her CPF Special Account! She’s not alone. Some Singaporeans have  even accumulated more than half a million dollars of CPF savings by their early 50s. How did they do it? Watch the video to find out more!

[Post 588] [ENG SUB] Demystifying CPF contribution rates | Behind Singapore’s CPF (2/5)


Most Singaporeans are familiar with monthly CPF contributions - 20% from their salary and 17% contributed by their employer. How were these numbers determined? Besides helping Singaporeans save for retirement, what other crucial role do these contribution rates play? Watch the video to find out more!