You're never too old to invest. If you are young, you have time on your side. But if you think you have missed the boat, there are still ways for you to start to catch up.
With over 30 dishes to choose from, economic rice stalls are known for their variety of choice, convenience and economical price point. But of late, diners are complaining about the exorbitant prices of their cai fan or mixed rice dishes. Since January till mid October this year, the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) has received 11 economic rice-related complaints, on the lack of price transparency.
The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the Asian financial crisis. How do you manage your finances, when the value of the currency keeps going down?
Prices of Singapore real estate investment trusts or REITs have been dropping all year. So are they still a good investment – and how do you spot a bargain?