Wednesday, 11 December 2024

[Post 534] This Family Rents A Tiny Room To Save Up To Buy A Home In Hanoi, Vietnam | Money Mind


Hanoi resident Nguyen Van Lung and his family would like to buy their own home. With high property prices in Vietnam’s capital city, a mortgage is currently beyond their budget. So they are renting for now – but is renting a sustainable option in the long term?

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Monday, 9 December 2024

[Post 532] 5 Money-Saving Tips For Your Year-End Holiday | Money Mind | Saving Hacks


It’s the peak holiday travel period but there are still ways to save money booking your vacation. Here are some tips.  

Sunday, 8 December 2024

[Post 531] They Give Unwanted Food A New Life And Help People Save On Food Costs | Money Mind | Cost Of Living


Can you save the earth and cut your food bills at the same time? For one Singapore business, the solution lies in giving unwanted food a second life. 

Saturday, 7 December 2024

[Post 530] Why Are Healthcare Costs Rising In Singapore – Is There Really Nothing We Can Do About It?


Healthcare costs are on the rise all over the world, including in Singapore, because of factors ranging from inflation to ageing populations. As of 2021, the government accounted for more than half of Singapore’s healthcare expenditure, while a fifth comes out of individuals’ pockets.

Some are asking: Why can’t healthcare be free, or why aren’t there more subsidies? The short answer: Sustainably financing healthcare requires careful balancing.

CNA Insider speaks to hospital frontliners, an economist and others to uncover what’s driving healthcare costs up — and how these can be managed. To ensure that healthcare remains affordable for all, the government is raising MediShield Life premiums from April 2025 to support higher claim limits and expanded coverage for more treatments such as cell, tissue and gene therapy. 
(Video produced in partnership with the Ministry of Health.)

[Post 529] Why Gen Z Spends: "I Splurge On Shopping Because I Deserve It" | Money Mind | Philippines


“Dasurv” is Filipino slang for deserving rewards to celebrate small wins. But what happens when small buys add up to big bills?