Monday, 16 December 2024

[Post 541] How To Get A Job And Stay Employable In 2025: We Ask The Experts | Money Mind | Jobs


What’s the best way to get ahead in the job market in 2025? Plus, what pay increments and bonuses should you expect? 

Sunday, 15 December 2024

[Post 540] Where To Invest Your Money In 2025 (And Sectors To Be Wary Of) | Money Mind | Investment


Investment strategies for young investors in 2025: how can they make the most of new opportunities, and what are the new risks?  

[Post 539] When Singapore Stock Exchange Was Suspended: The Pan-Electric Saga | Black Thursday - Part 2/2


After three tense days of forced closure, the Stock Exchange of Singapore reopens. But the damage has been done - retail investors were left with scrips worth next to nothing. 

While Conrad tries to find out more about Peter Tham and his brokerage firm, the CAID team begin their investigation of Tan Kok Liang and Tan Koon Swan. A breakthrough in the case allows them a warrant for the ever-evasive Peter: it appears that Peter has forged scrips to secure more bank loans. 

Saturday, 14 December 2024

[Post 538] When Singapore Stock Exchange Was Suspended: The Pan-Electric Saga | Black Thursday - Part 1/2


But unknown to many, the company has been borrowing heavily from banks. To prevent widespread panic at the stock market and the loss of millions of dollars, the Stock Exchange of Singapore closes for three days in an unprecedented move. Who caused the stock exchange meltdown?

[Post 537] Why These American Men Are Seeking Love In Asia: The Rise Of Passport Bros | Insight


But how are passport bros received in the Philippines and Thailand, two of the top destination for these roaming Romeos? Are passport bros just an update of the sex tourists prevalent in Southeast Asia? Or are they simply lonely men looking for their shot at love?

Friday, 13 December 2024

[Post 536]Why Hong Kong Shoppers Are Flocking To Shenzhen, China To Hunt For Bargains | Money Mind


How do you save money on your shopping bills when you live in a small, crowded and expensive city? For an increasing number of Hongkongers, the answer is a trip across the border. 

Thursday, 12 December 2024

[Post 535] China Gen Zs Live In Budget Hotels While Looking For A Job In Shanghai | Money Mind | China


Far from home and looking for employment, Chinese graduates find a temporary refuge in budget hotels that cater for young jobseekers.