Saturday 19 May 2018

(Post 24/week 21)Zero dollar project:Carousell,bitcoin faucets,short link,online survey and adsense updates

Updates for this week zero dollar project...

2.Bitcoin faucets
3.Short link
4.Online survey
5.Adsense update



This week I sold away one of my favorite books: Japanese mythology, I remember when I was young I re-read this book many a time as I was fascinated with Japanese creature and urban legend. Over the years, we tend to found ourselves reading lesser and lesser of hard copies book and have perhaps switched to ebook. Parting away with some things may be hard but when you see your room clutter slowly decreasing, there is a sense of satisfaction:)

Let all strive for minimalism together!

This week earning for Carousell:$9

2.Bitcoin updates

(Current status of my cryptocurrency...)

3.Short link updates for this week

Last week

This week

Earning for this week short link update:$2.388-$2.0050=$0.383

For more information on how's I use both short link on my blog and YouTube, read here

4.Online survey

Current online survey on my list...(Bold mean that these survey websites have been verified for payout)

4.1 Toluna
4.3 YouGov
4.4 mobrog
4.5 ipanelonline
4.6 viewfruit
4.7 mysurvey

This week survey that payout: Toluna ($20.00) and surveyon ($2.20)

The total payout for this week survey:$20+$2=$22


This week earning for Adsense:$0.05

Total earnings for this week zero dollar project:$9+$0.383+$22+$0.05=$31.433

That's all for the updates this week for my zero dollar project! stay tuned to part 2 and 3 of my investment project updates for this week!

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