But first, let's present my updates for this week
3.Short link
4.An interesting post to share this week
5.Paid online survey
My carousell:carousell.com/eric996
My weekly update of item! (while stocks last!)
My coinpot collection this week!

Before After

Before After
3.Short link
Mine earning so far from short link
My Youtube channel and my youtube channel blog
4.An interesting post to share this week
Post:https://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/06/18/your-last-remaining-edge-on-wall-street.aspx(I have also posted this on sonicericsg facebook page)
Though this post is quite dated some time back, it's findings is still relevant in 2018
Key summaries:
1. Fund managers have all the insiders trading tips and an edge over individual investors
2. Individual investors do have an edge over wall street traders and that is time.
3. With time, the odds of you making a loss is 0 percent, if you hold for 5 years(10years would be a more safer choice)
4. To quote from the article". Five years, and you're doing better. Ten years, and there's a good chance you'll be sitting on positive annual returns. Hold them for 20, 30, or 50 years, and there has never been a period in history when stocks produced an average annual loss. In fact, the worst you've done over any 30-year period in history is increased your money two-and-a-half fold after inflation"
Pretty nifty eh?
5.Paid survey
Actually, this part of my zero dollar project has been in the works for some time, about a month or two back. But firstly, let me introduce you to paid survey!
One of the surveys she recommends to try out is toluna and I am have been trying them out for almost a month, here are the results...
My PayPal payment! (and it just took around a month)
To cash out from toluna, you need about 40000 points ($20 via PayPal), each survey is about a 2000-5000 point sometimes maybe more
Overall, it seems like paid surveys are a good way to go for my zero dollar project!
That's all for this week, do stay tuned to next week blog post!
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